12 Chakras

Understanding the 12 Chakra System Years ago now, I was having a session with one of my first psychic teachers. We sat across from each other in her living room… Her eyes were closed, and a crystal pendulum gently dangled from her fingers, wildly swinging from side to side. Every so often hmmms and ahhhs sprung …

Chakras: 9 Questions to Help You Understand Chakra Imbalances

Have you ever gone to the doctor with a list of legitimate complaints, only to return with perfectly clean test results? Do you ever feel unbalanced, like you’re constantly walking on shaky ground? Does everything seem upside down, unclear, and even scary? Maybe you wake up from a long night’s sleep, feeling restless and uneasy? …

The Colors of the Chakras

The colors of the chakras are related to the seven basic energy centers in the body. Each of the chakras correlate to a major nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column. In addition the chakras are correlated to sounds, body functions, and much more. Violet (purple) is the color of the Crown chakra, also …

The Hidden Chakras: Understanding Our New Emerging Meridians | Spirit Science

If you feel as though you have been going through a lot of changes over the past couple of months and you’re not quite sure what might be causing it, you’re not alone.  New chakras are emerging on the Earth plane, though many of these have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along …

7 Signs Your Chakras Are Imbalanced – In5D : In5D

by Jessica, Contributing Writer, In5D.com Weaknesses in emotional behavior or various physical dysfunctions might have something to do with your chakras. 7 signs your chakras are imbalanced Are you struggling with weaknesses in your emotional behavior? Have you been struggling with a physical ailment or dysfunction that you just can’t seem to overcome? While dealing …

(DISCOVER) The Secret To Opening Your Chakras – The Quantum Healing

2. Sacral Chakra The Sacral chakra is strongly linked with relationships, guilt, and blame.  If we want to actively fix our blocks with this chakra we need to be real, open and honest in our relationships. The color Orange is linked with this chakra and surrounding yourself in that color can powerfully charge it.  The Sacral …

How To Immediately Identify And Clear Blocked Chakras

Chakras are energetic centers located in our bodies. In the body of a human being, there are 114 chakras. They help us in moving past hard things in our lives. In our bodies, there are actually seven major chakras, and if we know what each of them represents, we can easily notice when a particular …