He Never Intended To Become A Political Dissident, But Then He Started Beating Up Tai Chi Masters

On a recent Thursday evening in August, a 40-year-old MMA gym owner in Beijing named Xu Xiaodong activated his VPN, hopped over the Chinese government’s internet firewall, and began his first-ever live YouTube broadcast. He wanted to talk about the ongoing protests in Hong Kong, in which hundreds of thousands of citizens have demonstrated against …

The Essence of Aiki: an Interview with Seigo Okamoto Soshi – Part 1 – Aikido Sangenkai Blog

Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Roppokai (大東流合気柔術六方会)Founder Seigo Okamoto Soshi (岡本正剛宗師) Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Roppokai Founder Seigo Okamoto was born in 1925 in Yubari City, Hokkaido. In 1963, at the age of 38, he entered the dojo of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Kodokai Founder Kodo Horikawa, one of Sokaku Takeda’s closest students. In 1974 he received his 7th dan from Kodo Horikawa, …

Shine Your Light: Type 1 Lifestyle Tips Based On Your Yin-Yang Combo

We’ve been talking a lot about your Yin-Yang combo and how it affects your style. It’s been so fun, right? But now let’s jump into how it influences your behavior and daily life. Not all Type 1 women act or think the same! Your Yin Yang Definition will support you in honoring your unique qualities. …

Tai Chi and Clare

Tai Chi and Clare Meleady  *About Tai Chi and how it helped you??* From doing tai chi I have noticed many things that have changed in my life and in my body and mind. The most important is that I have become more aware of my breath and breath deeper then I would have previous. …


This is a Call to Action About a Topic That Affects Us All by using your voice to educate lawmakers on the consequences of their actions. If this Bill passes, Reiki practitioners will not be able to practice Reiki in Massachusetts without first having a license from the state. Feldenkrais method; reflexology; Trager Approach; Ayurvedic …

What Is Reiki And Why Should You Consider Adding It To Your Routine?

Over the past few years, Reiki has become extremely popular not just in spiritual and wellness communities, but also amongst many celebrities. More and more often we hear that different celebs, like Christina Aguilera, Mel B, and Gwyneth Paltrow, swear by this healing practice. For those of us who have already made Reiki a part of …

4 Pilates Exercises for Happy Hips

Hip pain is a common issue in our modern society. There are a variety of factors that can cause it, from shortened hip-flexors, due to prolonged sitting on chairs, to excessive compression and muscular tension from imbalanced walking patterns. As long as our discomfort is due to such soft tissue problems, and we have eliminated …

My Cancer Journey – Shiatsu with Tricia

News from Shiatsu Ireland My Cancer Journey – Shiatsu with Tricia Taken from the blog – My Cancer Journey – visit the website and take the journey with Tricia https://shiatsuwithtricia.com “Take a shower, wash off the day. Drink a glass of water. Make the room dark. Lie down and close your eyes.Notice the silence. Notice your …

Daito-ryu Isn’t Just Hard Aikido: An Interview with Roy Goldberg

Roy Goldberg is one of the highest-ranked Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu practitioners outside of Japan and the senior student of Hayao Kiyama Shihan, the President and Chief Instructor of North American Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Kodo Kai (NADRAKK). Goldberg Sensei was awarded the rank of 7th dan and certified with the “Kyoju Dairi” teaching license by Inoue …

7 Signs Your Chakras Are Imbalanced – In5D : In5D

by Jessica, Contributing Writer, In5D.com Weaknesses in emotional behavior or various physical dysfunctions might have something to do with your chakras. 7 signs your chakras are imbalanced Are you struggling with weaknesses in your emotional behavior? Have you been struggling with a physical ailment or dysfunction that you just can’t seem to overcome? While dealing …

Benefits of Pilates Postpartum

Many women know to use precaution and modifications when exercising throughout their pregnancy, but those modifications shouldn’t stop once the baby is born!  Many injuries can and do occur in the months following the child’s birth if women push their still adapting bodies too strenuously. Most doctors suggest recovery times between 6-8 weeks to most …

Australian government says that yoga, naturopathy and Pilates will not benefit your health, bans private health insurance rebates

(NaturalHealth365) The Australian government has just launched another salvo in the battle against natural medicine worldwide. While a whopping 80 percent of all Australians currently use some form of natural treatments – including yoga, Pilates and naturopathy – to improve health, the government ruled last month that Australian consumers will no longer be able to …

5 Benefits of Pilates Beyond a Stronger Core

There’s a popular myth that the main benefit from Pilates is a stronger core. Truth is, there are many benefits from Pilates-based exercise, and they are not limited to the core or even your physical body. Doing Pilates just to tone your midsection is a bit like saying ‘let’s go for a hike in nature to …

Talks On The Practice Of Taijiquan – Tai Chi in Vancouver

Narrated by Yang Cheng Fu Recorded by Zhang Hong Kui There are many schools of Chinese wushu (martial arts), all with technical skills based on philosophy. Since ancient times, many people have devoted their lifetime and energy to probing the nature and essence of wushu and mastering the maximum skills, but few have succeeded. However, …